The team behind 0 A.D: Empires Ascendant will be holding a booth for 2 days in Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France on the 3rd & 4th of September 2022. More info about the event can be found here https://www.vandoeuvreingame.fr/
The team behind 0 A.D: Empires Ascendant will be holding a booth for 2 days in Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France on the 3rd & 4th of September 2022. More info about the event can be found here https://www.vandoeuvreingame.fr/
Summary of attendance at the Japan Tours Festival 2022
From the 1st to the 3rd of July I held a booth in Tours, France. This was a first for me as this was a completely different event from the ones I was used to. For those who don’t know, the Japan Tours Festival is, as its name suggests, a Japanese-themed exposition, with lots of shops where you can buy Japanese merchandise, but it also has a lot of cosplay, and shops that provide anything you might need for your next event, from a rubber sword to a furry costume. But most importantly, it also features an indie development section, where indie projects can come to show their new games, and homebrew projects (projects that create games for old consoles such as the NES) can sell their cartridges.
To my knowledge, this was the biggest event 0 A.D. had been invited to. It had 21,856 visitors and 167 special guests.
As usual, we were still a bit apart because we were the only FLOSS game/project. People were quite surprised to see we were free and that while being a 22-year-old project they had never heard of us. They were even more surprised to learn we were only volunteers.
During the whole weekend, the public was allowed to vote for their favorite indie project and we made it to 3rd place out of 9 competitors!
I gave two interviews (FR), one for the Anjou Pop Corner and one for the event with KeydeeGamerBoy You can find the cut video here(YouTube) for the latter.
Feel free to ask your questions here!
The next event will take place in Vandœuvre lès-Nancy, France from the 3rd to the 4th of September. Hope to see some people there.
Thanks to all the people I met for the kind words and the constructive feedback, and thanks to the organizers and all the staff behind the Japan Tours Festival for allowing me to participate and for creating such a lovely event!
Special Thank you to Indie Beard who asked me to come and made me spend a wonderful 3 days. I hope we’ll work together again in the future!
The team behind 0 A.D: Empires Ascendant will be holding a booth for 3 days in Tours, France on the 1st-2nd and 3rd of July 2022 More info about the Japan Tours Festival event can be found here https://www.japantoursfestival.com/
We will be holding a booth for three days in Rennes, France on the 20th-21st and 22nd of May 2022
More info about the Stunfest event can be found here: https://www.stunfest.com/
The date of the 6th of March 2022 at 23.59 CET was the beginning of the 0 A.D. Alpha 26 Feature Freeze, a major precursor to the actual release of the new alpha version of the game. Since then we have been trying to get the new release ready for your hands.
The Feature Freeze is the point at which new features cease to be added to the new alpha version and the development team focus solidly on final preparations and bugfixes to facilitate the release.
We currently have seven release blockers tickets on the milestone. As their name suggest those bugs or issues prevent the release. As long as they are not fixed we cannot release another version. You can find more information about them here:
Once those are fixed, we are going to release the first release candidate test bundle to make sure there are no more outstanding bugs.
Until the release blockers are fixed, we cannot provide a date.
As the current version is currently unstable, we will not release pre built bundles. You can however still install the development version and test it extensively.
You can also help by fixing the bugs or offering programming advice, or reaching out to people you know that might be able to help.
If you have a M1 Mac you can also test the Alpha 25b test bundle. See this thread. If the tests are conclusive, we might be able to provide a version for A26.
If you are not afraid of spoilers and can’t wait to see what new things are coming in the latest version check out this page
See wiki:Port A25 to A26 and download the development version.
Checkout the latest 0 A.D. interview on YouTube: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/RqosN47Or14 to understand how you can contribute
Come test the native ARM build for Alpha 25b! It should give you a significant performance boost over the default one. Make sure to enable GLSL in the options.
Get it from here!
Wildfire Games, an international group of volunteer game developers, is happy to announce the re-release of 0 A.D. Alpha 25 “Yaunā”, the twenty-fifth alpha version of 0 A.D., a free, open-source real-time strategy game of ancient warfare.
This version is a maintenance release. Gameplay remains untouched and both versions of Alpha 25 remain multiplayer-compatible. We strongly advise you however to upgrade to benefit of the following fixes:
The team wishes to apologize for the inconvenience and hopes you will be enjoying your time playing 0 A.D: Empires Ascendant.
Download and installation instructions are available for Windows, Linux and macOS.
0 A.D. is free software. This means you are free to download, redistribute, modify and contribute to the application under the same licences: GNU Public Licence version 2 (GPL v2) for code and Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA 3.0) for artwork.
Although you might find some people selling copies of 0 A.D., either over the internet or on physical media, you will always have the option to download 0 A.D. completely gratis, directly from the developers. No “freemium” model, no in-game advertising, no catch.
For press/media inquiries, please DM @play0ad on Twitter.
Wildfire Games proudly announces the release of 0AD Alpha 25: “Yaunā,” the twenty-fifth alpha version of 0 A.D., a free, open-source real-time strategy game of ancient warfare. Yaunā is an old Persian word for Ionians (Greeks).
New Features in Alpha 25
Download and installation instructions are available for Windows, Linux and macOS.
0 A.D. is free software. This means you are free to download, redistribute, modify and contribute to the application under the same licences: GNU Public Licence version 2 (GPL v2) for code and Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA 3.0) for artwork.
Although you might find some people selling copies of 0 A.D., either over the internet or on physical media, you will always have the option to download 0 A.D. completely gratis, directly from the developers. No “freemium” model, no in-game advertising, no catch.
The date of 6th June 2021 at 23.59 CET has been confirmed for the 0 A.D. Alpha 25 Feature Freeze, a major precursor to the actual release of the new alpha version of the game.
What is the Feature Freeze?
The Feature Freeze is the point at which new features cease to be added to the new alpha version and the development team focus solidly on final preparations and bugfixes to facilitate the release.
What Happens After 6th June?
Want To Be Involved in Pre-Release Testing?
If you’d like to be a part of the critical testing versions of Alpha 25 then please check the thread here;
When Will Alpha 25 Officially be Released?
A provisional date range has been decided upon with June 20th being slated as the earliest possible release date and June 30th. Please be aware this is still provisional at this stage and is entirely reliant on a smooth transition through phases described above, with no major release blocking issues being present in the final tested release candidate.
Final confirmation of the release date will be announced in advance of launch – ideally 3 days to a week prior, as will any postponement and revised timescales in the event of a major issue being discovered.
What Will Alpha 25 Be Named?
A final decision on the naming of the new alpha will be made during the Feature Freeze period, but you still have time to get involved.
Every new iteration of 0 A.D. gets a name and this is your chance to contribute your suggestions. The Alpha 25 Name Suggestions thread on the 0 A.D. Community Forum has been open since January 2021, but there is still time to vote for your favourite and put forward your own suggestions.
0 A.D. release names start with the letter of the alphabet that corresponds to the release version. Alpha 22 was Venustas, Alpha 23 was Ken Wood, Alpha 24 was Xšayaṛša, and Alpha 25 will start with a ‘Y’.
Check out the thread here;
From the 20th to the 22nd of May I held a booth in Rennes, France for the Stunfest. This was the first public event since the COVID so I was very excited to be able to meet people again. So I took my train ticket and my event stuff and headed to the nearest train station!
This was, to my knowledge the first event Wildfire Games attended that was 100% video-game oriented. This happens to be interesting because we are usually outsiders in the open source events we do (Capitole du Libre (CDL), Journées du Logiciel Libre (JDLL), Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre (RMLL), FOSDEM, GrafikLabor) as there are generally not that many games present. Most people are quite surprised we even exist
In this case, we were still a bit apart because we were the only FLOSS game/project. People were quite surprised to see we were free and that while being a 22-year-old project they had never heard of us. They were even more surprised to learn we were only volunteers.
It was also the occasion to meet game developers from various studios and to get feedback from the video game industry. We did get a lot of positive feedback in general and some suggestions on how to make the UX/UI nicer. One suggestion was to make the popup when hovering over buildings static, instead of changing on mouse move, the other was to add chat bubbles instead of the wall of text in the tutorial.
Unfortunately, I was not able to set up a networked game, as it would just timeout when trying to connect whether through direct connect or the lobby probably something wrong with the network there. It was however not a big deal, as to the exception of a few people, most didn’t stay long to play.
I gave three interviews, a short one for the event, one for the “La Playade” podcast, and one more in-depth for the“Pettri” They should be available (in French) in the coming weeks.
A few people seemed interested in the engine for various purposes someone expressed his will to represent prehistoric civilizations in it and another for representing a Conan Themed live action roleplay and some for undisclosed academic activities. We were also apparently (I could not attend) mentioned by a Rennes representative during the opening presentation to promote open source.
Feel free to ask your questions here!
The next event will take place in Vandœuvre lès-Nancy, France from the 3rd to the 4th of September. Hope to see some people there.
Thanks to all the people I met for the kind words and the constructive feedback, and thanks to the organizers and all the staff behind the Stunfest for allowing me to participate by creating such a nice event!