0 A.D. Financial Report, April 2020

In the interest of transparency, the Wildfire Games team would like to report on its finances as of 2020-01-01.

In 2019, 0 A.D. had funds in two places:

  1. A legacy account on Flattr, a Sweden-based microdonation provider.
  2. Funds earmarked for the project and held in trust by US-based non-profit organization Software in the Public Interest, Inc. (hereafter “SPI”);

Flattr Legacy Account

In the beginning of 2019, we had 865.28 EUR as well as approximately 2 USD in our Flattr account. At our request, SPI helped us withdraw the portion of funds that were in EUR in 2019-02. This portion of the Flattr funds is now part of the SPI earmark for 0 A.D. (see below). Only the latter portion, that was in USD, remained on Flattr. Since sums under 10 USD cannot be withdrawn from Flattr, and the balance is not likely to reach that threshold anytime soon, the Treasury Committee decided to delete the account and let Flattr take the remaining funds. This completes the consolidation of 0 A.D.’s assets and prevents problems down the road. The Flattr legacy account is now closed.

SPI Earmark for 0 A.D.

As of 2020-01-01, the 0 A.D. earmark is USD 34,970.84 USD (Source: SPI Treasurer’s Report). This grand total includes the Flattr funds, which made up about a quarter of the income for 2019 (926.61 USD out of 4384.99 USD).

Taken together, this represents a small increase in 0 A.D.’s assets from previous years, and shows that the project’s finances have been stable over time.

0 A.D. Assets over Time

Concluding Remarks

The 0 A.D. project finances are managed by the Treasury Committee: Erik (“feneur”) and Aviv (“Jeru”).

We need you! We invite members of the 0 A.D. community to volunteer on the committee and help us put the funds to good use.

We also welcome your questions, comments and suggestions on the forums.