The date of the 6th of March 2022 at 23.59 CET was the beginning of the 0 A.D. Alpha 26 Feature Freeze, a major precursor to the actual release of the new alpha version of the game. Since then we have been trying to get the new release ready for your hands.
What is the Feature Freeze?
The Feature Freeze is the point at which new features cease to be added to the new alpha version and the development team focus solidly on final preparations and bugfixes to facilitate the release.
What happened after the 6th of March?
We currently have seven release blockers tickets on the milestone. As their name suggest those bugs or issues prevent the release. As long as they are not fixed we cannot release another version. You can find more information about them here:
- #6440 fast clicking makes formations walk in slow motion
- #6444 Survival of the fittest and the Regicide game mode are broken
- #6451 Crash in the replay menu
- #6487 Out of Sync
- #6506 Mouse cursor issue on 4K screens
- #6513 Crash when running the game in non-visual mode or running the reinforcement learning interface.
- #6494 Rectangular texture glitch on water when dying
Once those are fixed, we are going to release the first release candidate test bundle to make sure there are no more outstanding bugs.
When Will Alpha 26 Officially be Released?
Until the release blockers are fixed, we cannot provide a date.
Want to help?
As the current version is currently unstable, we will not release pre built bundles. You can however still install the development version and test it extensively.
You can also help by fixing the bugs or offering programming advice, or reaching out to people you know that might be able to help.
If you have a M1 Mac you can also test the Alpha 25b test bundle. See this thread. If the tests are conclusive, we might be able to provide a version for A26.
What can I expect from Alpha 26?
If you are not afraid of spoilers and can’t wait to see what new things are coming in the latest version check out this page
How can I update my mod to be ready for the release?
See wiki:Port A25 to A26 and download the development version.
The date of the 6th of March 2022 at 23.59 CET was the beginning of the 0 A.D. Alpha 26 Feature Freeze, a major precursor to the actual release of the new alpha version of the game. Since then we have been trying to get the new release ready for your hands.
What is the Feature Freeze?
The Feature Freeze is the point at which new features cease to be added to the new alpha version and the development team focus solidly on final preparations and bugfixes to facilitate the release.
What happened after the 6th of March?
We currently have seven release blockers tickets on the milestone. As their name suggest those bugs or issues prevent the release. As long as they are not fixed we cannot release another version. You can find more information about them here:
Once those are fixed, we are going to release the first release candidate test bundle to make sure there are no more outstanding bugs.
When Will Alpha 26 Officially be Released?
Until the release blockers are fixed, we cannot provide a date.
Want to help?
As the current version is currently unstable, we will not release pre built bundles. You can however still install the development version and test it extensively.
You can also help by fixing the bugs or offering programming advice, or reaching out to people you know that might be able to help.
If you have a M1 Mac you can also test the Alpha 25b test bundle. See this thread. If the tests are conclusive, we might be able to provide a version for A26.
What can I expect from Alpha 26?
If you are not afraid of spoilers and can’t wait to see what new things are coming in the latest version check out this page
How can I update my mod to be ready for the release?
See wiki:Port A25 to A26 and download the development version.